Surgical Lymphatic Massage

heal and recover with surgical lymphatic massage

A few side effects of cosmetic surgery are swelling, hardening, bruising and nerve discomfort — Lymphatic Massage helps ease all the above.

Lymphatic massage helps to remove the fluids build up and allows it to move back into the lymphatic passages where excess waste and fluid can be flushed from the body. This helps accelerate the healing process and increase the level of comfort while healing. Prevana Wellness has been a trusted referral for the best cosmetic surgeons in Austin for over 15 years. This is our specialty!



Lymphatic Massage is helpful in preparing the body for surgery by clearing any stagnant toxins and waste that may be at or around the surgical sites.


Receiving Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) treatments prior to a surgery helps to prepare the area of the body about to undergo an operation. It does this by stimulating the lymph vessels of the lymphatic system to remove cellular waste products, bacteria, viruses, excess proteins, excess fluid and any other unwanted substances from the spaces between your cells; essentially cleaning the tissue and optimizing the cellular environment for surgery.

The Effects of MLD treatment Prior to Surgery May:

  • Reduce the risk of post-surgical infection

  • Decrease excessive swelling

  • Minimize bruising

  • Prevent scar tissue formation

  • Support the immune system so that it can process post-surgical

An additional benefit of receiving MLD massage prior to surgery is the deeply relaxing effect it can have on the nervous system. By helping to shift the nervous system into a more relaxed state, receiving MLD can support the entire body in adjusting to the physical and emotional changes leading up to an operation.

When To Schedule

One to three consecutive treatments before surgery has shown to yield the best results. These treatments are recommended to be spaced two weeks before surgery.

Post-Surgical Lymphatic Massage

And then comes the swelling after surgery… While some swelling is very normal and a necessary part of the inflammatory healing process, excessive or prolonged swelling can become problematic leading to longer healing times, increased pain, increased risk of infection, persistent swelling, and can adversely affect scar formation causing unwanted adhesions and decreased range of motion.

That is why Plastic Surgeons highly recommend receiving Manual Lymphatic Drainage treatments.

MLD has shown to have great success in treating post-surgical swelling as it can address these issues. After surgery the lymphatic and immune systems are working overtime to repair and please the tissues. Much like prior to surgery, MLD is an important and beneficial treatment modality as it increases localized circulation of fresh blood (containing nutrients necessary for tissue healing) and supports and stimulates the lymphatic system in flushing unwanted cellular debris and excess fluid at a faster rate.


  • Healing times are accelerated

  • Scar formation is minimized

  • Risk of infection decreases

  • Bruising and pain reduces

An additional benefit of having MLD after surgery is the powerful effect it can have in calming the entire nervous system. When the body shifts into this more relaxed state, it is given a chance to activate is natural healing mechanisms.

When To Schedule

Your first post-surgery lymphatic massage should take place AFTER your one week follow-up with your surgeon.

Because your treatments revolve around your surgery and appointments may fill up quickly, it is recommended to book multiple lymphatic massages once you know your surgery date. Treatments are best spaced 3-10 days from each other, a minimum of 3 sessions is common and more may be needed. If you have questions you can email me by filling out my contact form here.

*If you have had a tummy tuck or breast implants, I will keep you extra comfortable! My table can be propped up to keep you in a more upright position until you are comfortable lying flat.